Friday, March 7, 2014

Sharin' is carin'!

Since my emersion into the Hashimoto's community, I have been overwhelmed by its helpfulness and generosity.  One person, in particular, that I have been impressed with is Stacey Robbins.  Her book, You are Not Crazy and You are Not Alone really set the stage for my journey into alternative healing.  I ordered the kindle version of the book and read most of it that same night.  The brutal honesty with which Stacey writes is surprisingly candid and refreshingly authentic, especially for being a local here in Orange County.  After reading her book, I felt like I knew her and was compelled to try out a few of her recommendations.

The first thing I did was schedule an appointment with one of her integrative medical doctors. The earliest appointment I could get was in April, so I had some down time to do other stuff. The next thing I had to do was to get a hold of a jar of the quantum infused Spirulina she wrote about. I know, right? No, I really don't know, but here's what it says on the website:
"Probably the oldest and certainly the most nutritious food on the planet, BIOLUMINA SPIRULINA provides you with the broadest spectrum, most concentrated and bioavailable nutrition that you can get from a single food. This amazing blue green algae superfood has a uniquely high phytonutrient content that includes 3 to 4 times more Phycocyanin. Along with BIOLUMINA’S other vital nutrients, this very rare, powerful antioxidant, provides the greatest radiation-protecting and immune system-enhancing benefits available to us from any food or other substance."
So, I have no idea what it does, but I had to get some.  (I'm trying everything here, folks. If it's herby and organic and infused with unicorn rainbow farts, I'm in.)  So, a quick message to Stacey on Facebook and we were meeting up at Target to make the covert exchange. I come to find out Stacey is a distributor, so I can get a fix whenever I need one.  And I will!  Everyone in my house is using it, even the dog!  It does give you a little boost after drinking it in a smoothie.  Here's an easy, customizable recipe from nutritionist Tami Broderick with whom I consulted a while back:  

1 Cup liquid (Water, Rice Milk, Coconut Water, etc.)
3/4 Cup Fruit
1 scoop protein powder (I use Warrior Blend because it's Gluten, soy, dairy free)
Fat (a few almonds, some oil, a bit of an avocado...)
2 Teaspoons (to start) of Spirulina

This is how I start every day!  It keeps me energized and feeling swell.  And the dog is not complaining either!

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